Calm and Ease Decoction (Gan Mai Da Zao Tang) 80 cps
Calm and Ease Decoction (Gan Mai Da Zao Tang) 80 cps 

Calm and Ease Decoction (Gan Mai Da Zao Tang) 80 cps

  • Brand: Product of China
  • Product Code: 1x80cps
  • Reward Points: 200
  • Availability: 2-3 Days
  • $19.99

  • Price in reward points: 1999


for depression, moodiness, frequent melancholy and crying, sadness, frequent yawning, restless sleep with possible sweating, in severe cases there can be abnormal speech and behavior. The classical formula "Gan Mai Da Zo Tang" (Decoction of Licorice, Barley, and Jujube) in TCM is primarily used for nourishing heart to calm mind, regulating stomach and relieving spasm, in cases of hysteria.

Product label: Calm & Ease Decoction
(Gan Mai Da Zao Tang)
Packing: 80 capsules / bottle, 600mg per capsule
Product of China.

Jujube (fruit)
Barley (dried seed)
Chinese Licorice (root)

Actions: Nourishes the Heart and calms the Spirit; harmonizes the Middle Jiao.

Main indications: Use for menopausal syndrome, postpartum depression, premenstrual syndrome, post traumatic stress disorder and neurosis, such as depression, moodiness, frequent melancholy and crying, sadness, frequent yawning, restless sleep with possible sweating, in severe cases there can be abnormal speech and behavior. It is applicable for hysteria, mania, convulsions, involutional melancholia, neurosis, and cardiac neurosis.*

Directions: Take 3 capsules each time, 2 times a day.
Cautions: Do not use in cases where abnormal behavior is caused by Liver Qi stagnation or Phlegm.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

汉语拼音:gan mai da zao tang




现代研究 甘麦大枣汤有镇静、催眠、抗惊厥作用。可调整神经活动,能缓和神经紧张。具有雌激素样作用。





  • 若失眠症状较重,或月经量少、色淡,淋漓不绝者,可与归脾汤合用,酌情加减。
  • 若舌红苔少,有明显阴虚内热之象者,可与六味地黄丸合用,酌情加减。
  • 若虚烦不眠,多梦,头晕目眩,脉弦细,肝血不足者,可与酸枣仁汤合用,酌情加减。
  • 若精神恍惚,健忘,失眠症状明显,舌红苔少,脉细数,心阴不足,心肾不交者,可与天王补心丹合用,酌情加减。
  • 若失眠症状明显,舌苔黄,兼有痰热内蕴者,可与温胆汤合用,酌情加减。
  • 若心境不佳,烦乱不安,呵欠频作,肝郁明显者,可与逍遥散或丹栀逍遥散合用,酌情加减。


  • 湿浊内盛者不宜用。
  • 心火亢盛者不宜用。
  • 不可大量服用或小剂量长期服用。因甘草有肾上腺皮质激素样作用,可引起水肿,血压升高。

Tags: mental formula, depression, hysteria, mania, convulsions

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