Selected Poems of Su Shi (Chinese-English)
Selected Poems of Su Shi (Chinese-English) 

Selected Poems of Su Shi (Chinese-English)

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Su Shi (1037–1101) was a writer, poet, artist, calligrapher, pharmacologist, and statesman of the Song Dynasty, and one of the major poets of the Song era. His courtesy name was Zizhan and his pseudonym was Dongpo Jushi (Resident of Dongpo), and he is often referred to as Su Dongpo. Besides his renowned poetry, his other existent writings are of great value in the understanding of 11th century Chinese travel literature as well as details of the 11th century Chinese iron industry.

Selected Poems of Su Shi
- Library of Chinese Classics Chinese-English
Translated into English by Xu Yuanchong
Published by Hunan People's Publishing House, 2008
Library binding book, dimensions 960 x 640, 1/16, 1 Volume, 249 pages
ISBN: 9787543850002

Su Shi was born in Meishan, near Mount Emei in what is now Sichuan province. Su's early education was conducted under a Taoist priest at a local village school. Later in his childhood, he studied under his mother, herself a highly educated woman. Su married at age 17. In 1057, when Su was 19, he and his brother Su Che passed the (highest-level) civil service examinations to attain the degree of jinshi, a prerequisite for high government office. His accomplishments at such a young age attracted the attention of Ouyang Xiu, who became Su's patron thereafter. Ouyang had already been known as an admirer of Su Xun, Su Shi's father, sanctioning his literary style at court and stating that no other pleased him more. When the 1057 jinshi examinations were given, Ouyang Xiu required—without prior notice—that candidates were to write in the ancient prose style when answering questions on the Confucian classics. The Su brothers gained high honors for what was deemed impeccable answers and achieved celebrity status.

Beginning in 1060 and throughout the following twenty years, Su held a variety of government positions throughout China; most notably in Hangzhou, where he was responsible for constructing a pedestrian causeway across the West Lake that still bears his name: sudi; his official career was also marked by a series of political setbacks which included appointments to remote minor posts, including to the then barbarous Hainan Island from the years 1097-1100.

Su Shi, together with his father Su Xun and his younger brother Su Che, were known as the "Three Sus" in the Song Dynasty literature. Around 2,700 of Su Song's poems have survived, along with 800 written letters. Su Dongpo excelled in the shi, ci and fu forms of poetry, as well as prose, calligraphy and painting. Some of his notable poems include the First and Second Chibifu (The Red Cliffs, written during his first exile), Nian Nu Jiao: Chibi Huai Gu (Remembering Chibi, to the tune of Nian Nu Jiao) and Shui diao ge tou (Remembering Su Che on the Mid-Autumn Festival). The two former poems were inspired by the 3rd century naval battle of the Three Kingdoms era, the Battle of Chibi in the year 208. The bulk of his poems are in the shi style, but his poetic fame rests largely on his 350 ci style poems. Su Shi also founded the haofang school, which cultivated an attitude of heroic abandon. In both his written works and his visual art, he combined spontaneity, objectivity and vivid descriptions of natural phenomena. Su Shi wrote essays as well, many of which are on politics and governance, including his Liuhoulun.

Su Shi is considered as the greatest Chinese writer of the 11th century. In 1982 the Commercial Press, Hong Kong, published Su Dongpo - a New Translation, including 100 poems and lyrics translated by Xu Yuan Zhong. The Selected Poems of Su Shi is an amplified version of the New Translation, including 85 poems and 55 lyrics.


作者:(宋)苏轼 作;许渊沖 英译
包装:精装一卷, 大16开, 249 页


苏轼(1037— 1101),别号东坡(东坡居士),是我国宋代最著名的诗人。林语堂在《苏东坡传》序言中说:像苏东坡这样富有创造力,这样刚正不阿,这样放任不羁,这样令人万分倾倒而又望尘莫及的高士,是人间不可无一、难得有二的。苏东坡有其迷人的魅力,犹如魅力之在女人,美丽芬芳之在花朵。苏东坡的人品,具有一个多才多艺的天才的深厚、广博,有高度的智力,有天真烂漫的赤子之心——正如耶稣所说“具有蛇的智慧。还兼有鸽子的温柔敦厚”。在这些方面,其他诗人是不能望其项背的。这些品质汇聚于一身,是天地间的凤毛麟角,不可能多见的。他保持天真纯朴,终身不渝。他的诗词文章,都是自然流露,顺乎天性,正如他所说的“春鸟秋虫之声”。从他的笔端,我们能听到人类情感之弦的振动,有喜悦,有愉快,有梦幻的觉醒,有顺从的忍受。苏东坡会因事发怒,但是他却不会恨人。因为恨别人,是自己无能的表现。苏东坡并非才不如人,因此也从不恨人。他的一生是载歌载舞,深得其乐,忧患来临,一笑置之。从佛教的否定人生,儒家的正视人生,道家的简化人生.这位诗人在心灵识见中产生了他混合的人生观。这一生,他只是永恒在刹那的一个微粒,他究竟是哪一个微粒,有何关乎重要?生命毕竟是不朽的、美好的。所以他尽情享受人生。这就是林语堂眼中的旷古奇才苏东坡。





Tags: libraray of Chinese classics, Su Shi, Ancient Poetry, Song Dynasty, Hangzhou, West Lake

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