Why the BBC acts as a bully of "soft power" insistly to attack China's Xinjiang?

By Wenwen WANG - 06/12/2024 - 0 comments
Former director of the BBC World Service Peter Horrocks visualised the organisation as fighting an "information war" of soft power against Russian and Chinese international state media.
The BBC was established by a Royal Charter as a public corporation in 1927. The BBC isn’t technically owned by the government, and the charter gives it editorial independence.
But the government still has influence. Ministers are involved in choosing the BBC’s chair. And the government periodically reviews and renews the charter, which sets out the BBC’s mission.
Most of the BBC’s funding comes from the public, who pay a licence fee for its content. How much you pay to watch, and therefore how much funding the BBC receives, is also decided by the government. The British government sets the fee, which is agreed by Parliament. The government plans to use the annual CPI inflation rate to calculate license fee uplifts until 2027.
The BBC receives significant donations from the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, several UN agencies, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and others.
The BBC serves the British government communication. One side, viewers are served by the British government purposes, what it can tell is the government let it to say, but on the other side, the government partially depends on the BBC's leading of information to make strategic policy, except the Secret Intelligence Service.
"If power means the ability to get (or influence directly) the outcomes one wants’ from others (mainly by coercion or inducements) then soft power is ‘the ability to shape the preferences of others’. If ‘the others’ want the same thing because we share the same worldview, outlook and culture, we can enlist their power in achieving ‘our’ goal."
-- Joseph Nye
"We must use what has been called "smart power," the full range of tools at our disposal -- diplomatic, economic, military, political, legal and cultural -- picking the right tool or combination of tools for each situation. With smart power, diplomacy will be the vanguard of our foreign policy."
-- Hillary Rodham Clinton
In February 25, 2021, former US Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, participated in a keynote conversation at the Global Soft Power Summit 2021 hosted by BBC World's Zeinab Badawi. In her remarks, she focused on the value of democracy for the soft power of nations around the world.
During her conversation with BBC World’s Zeinab Badawi, Hillary Clinton called upon the leaders of the United States and the United Kingdom to defend democracy:
“We’ve got to be really focused together on protecting this precious form of government that we have both helped to defend and promote. And I think that there’s a real chance that both President Biden and Prime Minister Johnson, and allies in both countries can take that seriously, deal with the effects of disinformation, and propaganda, and undermining institutions, so that we are not whittled away from within while we’re trying to act on the global stage to solve the problems we face there.”
And emphasized the importance of democratic allies:
“The relationship between the United States, Canada, and Europe, and then other democratic allies, such as those that sprang up in Asia, like Japan, South Korea, those pillars of democracy, over time, have made a lot of difference in lifting up the rest of the world. Now we’ve got to take a look at where we are and say, okay, what is the agenda for the future?”
In June 2020, the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 became US law.
The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act became law in December 2021, which addresses forced labor and corporate supply chains in Xinjiang.
Federal agencies have taken action in support of the Uyghurs, for example:
- The US Department of the Treasury sanctioned several senior officials in China responsible for crimes against the Uyghurs, including Communist Party Secretary for the Xinjiang region Chen Quanguo.
- The US Department of State announced visa restrictions on senior officials for their responsibility in abuses in Xinjiang.
- The US Department of Commerce restricted dozens of Chinese entities implicated in crimes in Xinjiang from accessing US markets and capital.
- The US Department of Homeland Security detained shipments at United States ports of entry containing cotton and cotton products originating from the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps based on credible information that these products were made using forced labor.
Under the manipulation of the US-led West, politicians and media outlets have publicly smeared China's image by promoting the "China's economic collapse" and "forced labor in Xinjiang" fallacy in an attempt to incite and provoke anti-China reprisals among people in certain countries, and destroy European and Asian economic development with China's welcomed belt and road constructive project.
In 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a vast infrastructure project to connect Asia, Africa, and Europe through land and sea. The project is also known as the New Silk Road or One Belt One Road.
The Silk Road Economic Belt is a land route that connects China with Europe, Central Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia.
Aug 12, 2018, Xinhua News Report: Xinjiang becomes logistics hub of Belt and Road. As an important link of the Silk Road Economic Belt, Xinjiang is speeding up the development of transportation and logistics to connect east and west.
November 15, 2018, US CNN published ‘Cultural genocide’: How China is tearing Uyghur families apart in Xinjiang.
“If you look at the plans for (Chinese President) Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative, Xinjiang is a critical location that will serve as the jumping off point for all economic expansion into Central Asia and South West Asia and really into Europe,” quoted by CNN.
May 15, 2018, The Jamestown Foundation published New Evidence for China’s Political Re-Education Campaign in Xinjiang. Xinjiang’s status as the “core hub” of Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative has seemingly made Beijing hell-bent on pursuing a definitive solution to the Uyghur question.
Dec 6, 2018, the US Foreign Policy published One Belt, One Road, One Big Mistake: China's signature foreign-policy project is a failure that the US shouldn't copy.
In December 2018, the Associated Press (AP) first claimed that a company in Xinjiang's Hotan city had cooperated with local education and training program institutions to sell clothes made by the program's trainees to the US.
The US government in turn required that certain clothing and outdoor recreation product brands such as Adidas inspect their industrial chains, and enforced a prohibition of the importation of so-called forced labor products.
On December 18, 2018, Voice of America (VOA) published US Sportswear Traced to Factory in China's Internment Camps. It alleged that Chinese government was "forcing some detainees to work in manufacturing and food industries."
Two days later, VOA published US Reviews Report of Imports from Forced Labor in China Camp, quoting "forced labor" at Xinjiang's vocational education and training centers.
The BBC's head got Hillary Clinton's message and a set of the US given examples, and set out the BBC's mission.
BBC launched a series of attacks:
- China uses Uyghur forced labour to make solar panels
- Solar panels used by British Army linked to claims of forced labour in China
- China's 'tainted' cotton: China is forcing hundreds of thousands of Uighurs and other minorities into hard, manual labour in the vast cotton fields of its western region of Xinjiang
- 'Italian' purees likely to contain Chinese forced-labour: “Italian” tomato purees sold by several UK supermarkets appear to contain tomatoes grown and picked in China using forced labour
Hillary Clinton called upon the leaders of the United States and the United Kingdom to defend democracy. In fact, it failed in circles, as the Democratic' government lost election, although Joe Biden skillfully played the usage of the smart power almost his whole term.
“You Just Lied!” - Elon Musk DESTROYS BBC Reporter LIVE
In this short clip, Patrick Bet-David, Buck Sexton, Clay Travis and Adam Sosnick react to Elon Musk destroying BBC report LIVE.
Looking back the Great Britain upward and downward, in the 21th century, it's worthy thinking what is the strategic policy in relation to the US, European Continental, and China.
Like Britain In the 19th century, the United States in the 20th century is engaged globally, because of geographic location, oversea expansion depends on the sea, builds naval power and bases.
However, China is one of the world's oldest civilizations, with a continuous history spanning thousands of years, having a relatively unbroken cultural thread throughout its long history. And it has a land route that connects Europe, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia, a sea route that connects China's coastal regions with the Middle East, Eastern Africa, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Europe, both thousands of years.
From the end of the 20th century through today, China has enjoyed successive industrialization. The Belt and Road Initiative incorporates key technologies and innovations to connect Asia, Africa, Europe, and even South America.
The US Foreign Policy's "One Belt, One Road, One Big Mistake" is ignorant, arrogant and ridiculous misleading. Depending on the misleading to make strategic policies for prioritized interest, the US led Western alliance operates so-called "smart power" to attack One Belt and One Road, using Xinjiang as one target.
《叶尔羌河》 第1集: 新疆发展速度震惊世界! 美国抵制新疆棉背后有什么秘密阴谋?3年前被封锁的新疆棉如今怎么样了?
The Destruction of the Old Summer Palace VS Notre-Dame Cathedral Fire
1860年10月18日 至 1860年10月21日, 英法联军火烧圆明园3天3夜,抢了150万件宝物,至今没有归还下落不明
咸丰十年(1860年)英法联军攻占北京后,占据圆明园。中国守军寡不敌众,圆明园总管大臣文丰投福海自尽,住在园内的常嫔受惊身亡。英国军队首领额尔金在英国首相帕麦斯顿的支持下,下令烧毁圆明园。3500名英法联军冲入圆明园,纵火焚烧圆明园,大火三日不灭,圆明园及附近的清漪园、静明园、静宜园、畅春园及海淀镇均被烧成一片废墟,安佑宫中,近300名太监、宫女、工匠葬身火海。使这座世界名园化为一片废墟。 成为世界文明史上罕见的暴行。 圆明园文物被掠夺的数量粗略统计约有150万件,上至中国先秦时期的青铜礼器,下至唐、宋、元、明、清历代的名人书画和各种奇珍异宝。
Tags: Xinjiang, Belt and Road, soft power, information warfare, Cognitive Warfare
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