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Integrated Overview of Colds, Influenza, and TCM Approaches

Integrated Overview of Colds, Influenza, and TCM Approaches

By Wenwen WANG - 03/02/2025 - 0 comments

2025 Epidemiological Alert: Increased Activity of Seasonal Influenza Virus and Other Respiratory Viruses in the Northern Hemisphere

Key Points

  1. Surge in Respiratory Virus Activity: A significant rise in cases of seasonal influenza (flu), RSV, rhinovirus, and SARS-CoV-2 variants has been reported across the northern hemisphere, with influenza-like illness (ILI) activity 20% above seasonal baselines.
  2. Strain on Healthcare Systems: Co-circulation of multiple viruses is exacerbating hospitalizations, particularly among vulnerable populations.
  3. Predominant Strains:
    • Influenza A(H3N2): Dominant subtype, associated with higher severity in elderly populations.
    • Influenza B/Victoria: Rising detections in Europe and North America.
    • SARS-CoV-2 JN.1 subvariant: Increasingly detected, though with reduced severity due to prior immunity.
  4. Vulnerable Groups: Elderly, children <5 years, immunocompromised individuals, pregnant women, and those with chronic conditions (e.g., COPD, diabetes).

Affected Regions

  • North America: Widespread flu activity in the US (notably California, Texas, and New York) and Canada.
  • Europe: Elevated RSV and flu cases in the UK, Germany, and France.
  • Asia: Influenza A(H3N2) surges in Japan and China; RSV peaks in South Korea.
  • Urban Centers: Higher transmission rates in densely populated cities.

Public Health Recommendations

  1. Vaccination:
    • Flu Vaccine: Urgently recommended for all ≥6 months, especially high-risk groups.
    • COVID-19 Boosters: Updated XBB.1.5-derived vaccines advised for ≥12 years.
  2. Preventive Measures:
    • Mask-wearing in crowded indoor settings.
    • Frequent hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette (cover coughs/sneezes).
    • Improve ventilation in public spaces and homes.
  3. Early Testing & Treatment:
    • Rapid testing for flu/COVID-19 in symptomatic individuals.
    • Prioritize antivirals (e.g., oseltamivir, Paxlovid) for high-risk patients within 48 hours of symptom onset.

Western Medicine Perspective

  • Common Cold:

    • Cause: Rhinovirus (primarily).

    • Symptoms: Mild; nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing.

    • Season: Late fall to spring.

    • Complications: Rare; self-limiting.

  • Influenza (Flu):

    • Cause: Influenza virus.

    • Symptoms: Severe; high fever (101–106°F), chills, muscle aches, fatigue, dry cough.

    • Season: Winter/early spring.

    • Complications: Pneumonia, bronchitis; high-risk groups (infants, elderly, immunocompromised).

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Classification

Colds/flu in TCM are termed Shang Feng or Shi Xing Gan Mao, attributed to pathogenic wind combined with cold, heat, dampness, or summer-heat. Treatment focuses on expelling pathogens while addressing individual patterns.

TCM Syndromes & Treatments

  1. Wind-Cold Type

    • Symptoms: Severe chills, mild fever, no sweat, headache, thin sputum.

    • Herbal Formulas:

      • Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Wan (dispels cold/damp, clears heat).

      • Xiao Qing Long Tang Wan (for cold with retained fluid).

      • Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao Wan (headache relief).

  2. Wind-Heat Type

    • Symptoms: High fever, sore throat, yellow sputum, thirst.

    • Herbal Formulas:

      • Yin Qiao Jie Du Pian (primary remedy).

      • Ban Lan Gen Chong Ji (also for prevention).

      • Sang Ju Gan Mao Pian (cough with wind-heat).

  3. Exterior Cold with Interior Heat

    • Symptoms: Fever, no sweat, constipation, yellow sputum.

    • Formula: Fang Feng Tong Sheng Wan (clears internal heat, releases exterior).

  4. Summer-Heat-Dampness Type

    • Symptoms: Fever with heaviness, nausea, greasy tongue coating.

    • Formula: Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan (resolves dampness, harmonizes stomach).

  5. Debilitated Individuals

    • Qi Deficiency: Fatigue, pale tongue → Yu Ping Feng San (supports defense qi).

    • Yang Deficiency: Cold limbs, weak pulse → Ren Shen Bai Du Wan (tonifies qi, expels pathogens).

    • Blood/Yin Deficiency: Dizziness, dry throat → Custom formulas (e.g., nourish blood/yin with exterior-releasing herbs).

Key Takeaways

  • Prevention: TCM emphasizes strengthening Wei Qi (immune defense) with formulas like Yu Ping Feng San.

  • Syndrome Differentiation: Correct TCM diagnosis is critical (e.g., wind-heat vs. wind-cold require opposite treatments).

  • Integration: While TCM offers holistic pattern-based care, severe flu cases (e.g., prolonged fever, breathing difficulties) require Western medical intervention.

Example Application:
A patient with fever, sore throat, and yellow sputum (wind-heat) would use Yin Qiao Jie Du Pian, whereas someone with chills and no sweat (wind-cold) might take Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Wan.

Note: Always consult a licensed practitioner for personalized diagnosis, especially in high-risk populations.



  1. 普通感冒(伤风)

    • 病因:由鼻病毒、副流感病毒、腺病毒等上百种病毒引起,少数合并细菌感染。

    • 症状:以鼻咽部症状为主(如鼻塞、流涕、咽痛),伴随低热、头痛、乏力,病程约1周。

    • 特点:传染性弱,发病率高,全年可发,成年人年均2~5次,儿童5~8次。

  2. 流行性感冒(流感)

    • 病因:由流感病毒(易变异)引起,通过飞沫传播。

    • 症状:起病急,全身症状重(高热、肌肉酸痛、乏力),可能引发肺炎、脑炎等并发症。

    • 特点:传染性强,冬春季高发,易暴发流行,20%~40%人群可能感染。


  1. 普通感冒

    • 无需抗生素:约70%~80%由病毒引起,抗生素仅用于合并细菌感染时。

    • 对症治疗:退热镇痛药(如布洛芬)、缓解鼻塞(生理盐水喷鼻)、止咳药等。

  2. 流感

    • 抗病毒药物:奥司他韦、扎那米韦(发病48小时内使用效果最佳)。

    • 并发症管理:肺炎需住院治疗,重症患者需呼吸支持。

    • 高危人群:老人、儿童、慢性病患者建议接种流感疫苗。



  1. 风寒感冒

    • 症状:怕冷重、无汗、流清涕、白痰、舌苔薄白。

    • 用药:通宣理肺丸、生姜红糖水。

  2. 风热感冒

    • 症状:发热重、咽痛、黄痰、小便黄、舌边红。

    • 用药:银翘解毒片、桑菊感冒片、板蓝根冲剂。

  3. 暑湿感冒

    • 症状:夏季多发,胸闷恶心、腹泻、苔黄腻。

    • 用药:藿香正气丸。

  4. 体虚感冒

    • 症状:反复感冒、乏力自汗、舌淡脉弱。

    • 用药:玉屏风丸、参苏丸(扶正固表)。


  1. 抗生素滥用:普通感冒早期无需使用抗生素,否则易导致耐药性。

  2. 流感重症信号:持续高热、呼吸困难、意识模糊需立即就医。

  3. 中医辨证关键:风寒与风热用药相反,误用可能加重症状(如风寒误服银翘片)。

  4. 预防措施:勤洗手、戴口罩,流感季节避免人群聚集;体虚者可长期服用玉屏风散增强免疫力。


  • 普通感冒:症状轻,自限性强,多休息、多喝水即可缓解。

  • 流感:需警惕并发症,高危人群应优先接种疫苗。

  • 中西医结合:西医对症控制症状,中医辨证调理体质,两者互补可缩短病程。


流感分三类 治疗方法各不同 中医教你如何正确用药!防治流感中医有良方。


Tags: Chinese medicine, Chinese traditional medicine, health preservation, intangible cultural heritage, colds, Influenza


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