Reality Check: 80% of Tsinghua graduates go abroad and do not return?

By Wenwen WANG - 04/01/2025 - 0 comments
The employment data of Tsinghua graduates of the class of 2024 refutes rumors.
Beijing, January 3 2025, the employment data of Tsinghua graduates in 2024 has been released, and the proportion of graduates going abroad for further study is 9.6%, while the average proportion in the past ten years is 10.5%. According to the Tsinghua Alumni Association's "Tsinghua People" mini program, among all certified alumni who filled in their location, about 91.7% are currently located in China.
In addition, more and more Tsinghua graduates who went abroad for further study in the early years have returned to China. Among them, taking the 2002-2011 Tsinghua graduates as an example, 92.4% of the certified alumni who filled in their locations are in China, and more than 60% of the certified alumni who went abroad for further study have returned to China.
Where are Tsinghua graduates employed? According to the data, the top units in the number of signatories this year are: Huawei, SMIC, State Grid Corporation, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, China North Industries Group, China Nuclear Industry Corporation, BYD, Tencent, Alibaba.
According to the employment data of the 2024 Tsinghua graduates, the employment rate of the 2024 Tsinghua graduates in key units in important domestic fields exceeded 85%, and the number of people employed in the manufacturing and energy industries increased by 11% year-on-year, continuing to grow for five consecutive years. The academic employment of doctoral graduates accounted for 47.8%, exceeding 45% for five consecutive years.
The employment rate of Tsinghua graduates in key units in important fields in China has been above 80% for more than 10 consecutive years. The industries with the largest number of people employed in the past are: information transmission, software and information technology services, education, scientific research and technical services.
In addition, the employment rate of Tsinghua graduates in 2024 outside Beijing is 56.2%, exceeding 50% for ten consecutive years; The number of people working in the western and northeastern regions increased by 16.5% year-on-year, doubling from 2020.
Tsinghua University (THU) is a public university in Haidian, Beijing, China. It is affiliated with and funded by the Ministry of Education of China. The university is part of Project 211, Project 985, and the Double First-Class Construction. It is also a member in the C9 League.
Tsinghua University's campus is in northwest Beijing, on the site of the former imperial gardens of the Qing dynasty. The university has 21 schools and 59 departments, with faculties in science, engineering, humanities, law, medicine, history, philosophy, economics, management, education, and art.
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Tags: Tsinghua University, Project 211, Project 985, Double First-Class Construction, C9 League
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