Perilla & Peucedanuma Combo
Perilla & Peucedanuma Combo  Perilla & Peucedanuma Combo 

Perilla & Peucedanuma Combo

  • Brand: Golden Lily
  • Product Code: 1x96tbs
  • Availability: 2-3 Days
  • $6.99


used for relieving exterior syndrome to dispel cold, facilitating the flow of the lung-qi to stop coughing, releasing fever with aversion to cold, headache without perspiration, soreness of limbs, clear nasal discharge.

Product label: Perilla & Peucedanuma Combo
Packing: 96 tablets per pack, 600mg per tablet
Product of China.

Perilla leaf
Whiteflower hogfennel root
Common Coltsfoot flower
Platycodon root
Bitter orange
Tangerine peel
Lobed kudzuvine root
Lily bulb

Actions: Dispels wind, relieves heat, resolves phlegm, stops cough.

Indications: It is indicated for cough due to exogenous pathogenic factors, fever with aversion to cold, headache without perspiration, soreness of limbs, clear nasal discharge. Do not apply to pattern of wind heat exterior syndrome.*

Directions: As a dietary supplement, take 4 tablets 2 times a day with warm water.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

汉语拼音:tong xuan li fei pian



服法与用量:口服,一次4片,一日2 次。

通宣理肺片是治疗感冒咳嗽的纯中药制剂,由麻黄、紫苏叶为主药,发汗解表,宣肺止咳,辅以前胡、桔梗、苦杏仁、半夏,化痰镇咳,抗炎解热,用黄芩清肺、抗菌、解毒;茯苓渗湿利水,配陈皮、枳壳、甘草理气,行痰,消积。缓解咳嗽气逆,胸脘胀满。全方配伍严密,协同发挥其药性,功效确切。属中医中药解表解寒, 宣肺止咳的经典良方。

Tags: cough formula, lung, common colds

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