100 Tang Poems (Chinese-English)
- Brand: Publishers of China
- Product Code: b-tang-p100
- Reward Points: 100
- Availability: 2-3 Days
- Price in reward points: 999
This book includes 100 poems of the Tang Dynasty by fifty-one poets such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Wang Wei, Li Shangyin, etc. All of the poems are rigorously selected for the comprehensive purpose, and they have been co-translated by Chinese and American scholars who always aim at faithfulness, comprehensibility and elegance in their translation.
Book title: 100 Tang Poems
- The Traditional Chinese Culture Classical Series (Chinese-English)
Compiled and translated by Zhang Tingchen and Bruce M Wilson
Published by China Translation and Publishing Corporation, first edition, 2007
Language: Annotated bilingual edition, also Chinese text with Pinyin phonetic system
Binding: Paperback, 5.75 x 8.25 inches, 297 pages
ISBN: 9787500118107
This book includes 100 poems of the Tang dynasty by fifty-one poets: Luo Bingwang, Wang Bo, Song Zhiwen, Shen Quanqi, Chen Ziang, He Zhizhang, Zhang Ruoxu, Wang Zhihuan, Meng Haoran, Wang Changling, Li Qi, Wang Wei, Li Bai, Cui Hao, Wang Han, Gao Shi, Liu Changqing, Du Fu, Cen Shen, Zhang Ji, Wei Yingwu, Lu Lun, Li Yi, Meng Jiao, Chang Jian, Zhang Ji, Wang Jian, Xue Tao, Han Yu, Liu Yuxi, Bai Juyi, Liu Zongyuan, Li Shen, Yuan Zhen, Liu Zao, Li He, Du Mu, Xu Hun, Wen Tingyun, Li Shangyin, Li Qunyu, Zhao Gu, Luo Yin, Pi Rixiu, Lu Guimeng, Wei Zhuang, Nie Yizhong, Jin Changxu, Du Xunhe, Zhang Mi, etc. All of the poems are rigorously selected for the comprehensive purpose, and they have been com-translated by Chinese and American scholars who always aim at faithfulness, comprehensibility and elegance in their translation. This volume will be of interest not only to general readers, comparativists, and students of Chinese language in the West but also to Chinese readers interested in English poetry and in translation.
唐诗一百首 - 中译经典文库 - 中华传统文化精粹(汉英对照)
【作 者】张廷琛,魏博思 选译
装帧:平装,32开,297 页
目录 |
杜甫 兵车行 丽人行 春望 石壕吏 蜀相 客至 旅夜书怀 咏怀古迹五首(其三“群山万壑”) 登岳阳楼 江南逢李龟年 月夜 岑参 白雪歌送武判官归京 张继 枫桥夜泊 韦应物 滁州西涧 卢纶 塞下曲六首(其二“月黑雁飞高”) 李益 写情 夜上受降城闻笛 孟郊 游子吟 闻砧 常建 题破山寺后禅院 张籍 野老歌 湘江曲 王建 望夫石 十五望月寄杜郎中 薛涛 送友人 韩愈 雉带箭 刘禹锡 西塞山怀古 酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠 元和十一年自朗州召至京,戏赠看花诸君子 石头城 白居易 长恨歌 琵琶行(并序) 赋得古原草送别 钱塘湖春行 |
柳宗元 登柳州城楼寄漳汀封连四州刺史 江雪 渔翁 李绅 悯农二首(其二“锄禾日当午”) 元稹 遣悲怀三首(其二“昔日戏言”) 连昌宫词 刘皂 旅次朔方 李贺 李凭箜篌引 梦天 南园十三首(其一“花枝草蔓”) 金铜仙人辞汉歌 杜牧 题宣州开元寺水阁,阁下宛溪,夹溪居人 赤壁 寄扬州韩绰判官 赠别二首(其二“多情却似”) 秋夕 许浑 咸阳城西楼晚眺 温庭筠 商山早行 李商隐 锦瑟 乐游原 夜雨寄北 无题 春雨 嫦娥 李群玉 黄陵庙(其一“小姑洲北浦西边”) 赵嘏 长安秋望 罗隐 蜂 皮日休 橡媪欢 陆龟蒙 白莲 新沙 韦庄 台城 聂夷中 咏田家 金昌绪 春怨 杜荀鹤 春宫怨 张泌 寄人 无名氏 金缕衣 |
Tags: Tang poems, Chinese Classics Library, The Essence of Chinese Traditional Culture
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