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US deficit soaring out of control will be a disaster in the world
- By Wenwen WANG
- 08/02/2024
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) of the United States just released its February 2024 Budget and Economic Outlook, the (CBO) projected that the debt held by the public – a key metric for tracking the size of the national debt used by economists – totaled $26.2 trillion in 2023 and is set to rise to $27.9 trillion in 2024. Over the next decade, it is projected to rise to $48.3 trillion in 2034. The Federal Budget The deficit totals $1.6 trillion in fiscal year 2024, grows to $1.8 trillion in 2025, and then returns to $1.6 trillion by 2027. Thereafter, deficits steadily mount, rea..
Dragon Sound
- By Wenwen WANG
- 05/02/2024
2024 brings the Year of the Dragon in the lunar calendar of Chinese culture. The dragon is the only animal on the Chinese zodiac that is a mythical creature. In Chinese culture, dragons symbolize good luck, strength and power. They control the weather and water. 汉语成语: 腾云驾雾、呼风唤雨。 明 罗贯中《三国演义》第四十九回《 七星坛诸葛祭风 三江口周瑜纵火》:“亮虽不才,曾遇异人,传授奇门遁甲天书,可以呼风唤雨。 明 施耐庵《水浒传》第十四回《 吴学究说三阮撞筹 公孙胜应七星聚义》:为因学得一家道术,亦能呼风唤雨,驾雾腾云,江湖上都称贫道做入云龙。 姚雪垠《李自成》第一卷第三章:“这简直不是马,是一条腾云驾雾的白龙,一条白龙。” 2024 Year of the dragon Chinese New Year spring gala will be very spectacular and full of Chinese tradition and culture with the u..
Spring Festival listed as UN floating holiday
- By Wenwen WANG
- 23/12/2023
UNITED NATIONS, Dec. 22 (Xinhua News Agency) -- The Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival, has been officially listed as a UN floating holiday in its calendar of conferences and meetings as from 2024. The UN General Assembly, in a resolution, acknowledges the significance of the Lunar New Year, which is observed in many UN member states, and invites the UN bodies at headquarters and other duty stations, where observed, to avoid holding meetings on the Lunar New Year. The resolution, adopted on Friday without a vote, encourages this arrangement to be taken into account when drafting future c..
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Hair Health (Wu Xu Sheng Fa Su) 72 Pills x 12
Used for premature grey hair, early white hair, thinning, dry hair, alopecia areata and hair loss af..
Vitality Plus Formula 20 cps x 6
helps restore and enhance your masculine energy, promotes sexual vigor and performance naturally. Ch..
Everyday Chinese 900 with Audio Pen -Spanish Version
Authentic language for real-life communication! Everyday Chinese enables beginning foreign learners ..