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China launched a rocket deploying five experimental satellites of high speed network

China launched a rocket deploying five experimental satellites of high speed network

China successfully launched a Long March 2D rocket on Thursday afternoon, placing five experimental satellites into orbit, on December 12, 2024, the state-owned China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation said. The rocket lifted off at 3:17 pm from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, the corporation said in a statement. It deployed the satellites, part of a high-speed laser technology demonstration network called the Diamond Constellation, into their designated orbits. Developed by a company affiliated with the Harbin Institute of Technolog..

Why the BBC acts as a bully of "soft power" insistly to attack China's Xinjiang?

Why the BBC acts as a bully of "soft power" insistly to attack China's Xinjiang?

Former director of the BBC World Service Peter Horrocks visualised the organisation as fighting an "information war" of soft power against Russian and Chinese international state media. The BBC was established by a Royal Charter as a public corporation in 1927. The BBC isn’t technically owned by the government, and the charter gives it editorial independence. But the government still has influence. Ministers are involved in choosing the BBC’s chair. And the government periodically reviews and renews the charter, which sets out the BBC’s mission. Most of the BBC’s funding comes from th..

Reality Check: What "MAGA" President's tariffs really mean, harm US trade partners, or hit Americans?

Reality Check: What "MAGA" President's tariffs really mean, harm US trade partners, or hit Americans?

Trump's proposed tariff policy seems to protect domestic industries and address specific issues, but it's really an extreme measure to defense the dollar empire war in the world. No doubt, the US is the mere superpower of the global and hegemony in the international system, but also an imperialism, financial monopoly capitalism, no matter how high American elite class raises the "democracy" and "freedom" torch. "Sleepy walking" Joe joined "MAGA" Donald to defense the petrodollar dominant position. The U.S. Department of Commerce issued a preliminary determination in an anti-dumping pr..

Reality Check: the Democrats Bet on China's Collapse, but Lost the Election

Reality Check: the Democrats Bet on China's Collapse, but Lost the Election

In the American election day, they decided to replace the Democratic government with the Republic government. It shocked the major American media, hosts, columnists and commentators. After the election, the media wonders why Democratic lost election, In general, the Democrats lost workers, no doubt. However, more exactly, the Democrats lost both the middle-class workers and minorities. As Florida Republic Sen. Marco Rubio argued that Democrats lost the presidential election because they think Americans are “dummies.” “Their attitude is, ‘You guys are a bunch of dummies. We’re really smar..

China expanded visa-free policy to 38 nations and extended the stay period to 30 days

China expanded visa-free policy to 38 nations and extended the stay period to 30 days

Xinhua News: BEIJING, Nov. 22 - China has decided to apply the visa-free policy to nine more countries on a trial basis, a foreign ministry spokesperson said on Friday at a daily press briefing. In order to further facilitate personnel exchanges between China and other countries, China has decided to expand its visa-free arrangement to include more countries, said spokesperson Lin Jian. He noted that from Nov. 30, 2024, to Dec. 31, 2025, visa exemption will be applied to ordinary passport holders from Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Malta, Estonia, Latvia and Jap..

Chinese culture: the Xiling Seal Art Society and the "Famous Artists of Xiling" series

Chinese culture: the Xiling Seal Art Society and the "Famous Artists of Xiling" series

The Xiling Seal Art Society (Chinese: 西泠印社) is a Chinese arts organisation based in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, PRC. It was founded in 1904 but, with antecedents dating back to the Ming and Qing dynasties, is one of China's most important traditional stone seal engraving associations. During the Ming and Qing dynasties seal engraving flourished in China, especially in the Yangtze River Delta region, where there was a continuous rich artistic tradition. There were many different schools of seal making and many independent artists specialized in seal cutting, seal script calligraphy, and the..

The 2024 World Internet Conference (WIC) Wuzhen Summit (Tue, Nov 19 – Fri, Nov 22)

The 2024 World Internet Conference (WIC) Wuzhen Summit (Tue, Nov 19 – Fri, Nov 22)

The 2024 World Internet Conference (WIC) Wuzhen Summit, themed "Embracing a People-Centered and AI-for-Good Digital Future - Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace," has taken place from Nov 19 to 22 in Wuzhen, East China's Zhejiang province. President Xi Jinping gave a congratulation speech via video to the 2024 World Internet Conference (WIC) Wuzhen Summit on Wednesday, November 20. Noting that a new wave of technological revolution and industrial transformation is rapidly advancing, Xi urged efforts to embrace the digital, internet-based and smart development trends. ..

China prepares the upcoming American's Trade War 2.0

China prepares the upcoming American's Trade War 2.0

An economic conflict between China and the United States has been ongoing since January 2018, when U.S. President Donald Trump began setting tariffs and other trade barriers on China with the goal of forcing it to make changes to what the U.S. says are longstanding unfair trade practices and intellectual property theft. The Trump administration imposed several rounds of tariffs on steel, aluminum, washing machines, solar panels, and goods from China, affecting more than $380 billion worth of trade at the time of implementation and amounting to a tax increase of nearly $80 billion. The Trump..

Reality Check: President-elect Trump's Promises and White House Picks

Reality Check: President-elect Trump's Promises and White House Picks

American President-Elect Donald Trump is poised to expand upon policies he implemented during his first term in office, such as those emphasizing limited government, lower corporate taxes, massive deportation of immigrants, tariffs against China, forcing allies' increase of defense budget. Additionally, it is anticipated that the newly elected president and his administration will target many Biden Administration policies on the environment, immigration, foreign policy and more. Many of these actions could be set forth by executive order in the initial days and weeks of a second Trump Administ..

Chinese Scientists: Lunar farside volcanism 2.8 billion years ago from Chang’e-6 basalts

Chinese Scientists: Lunar farside volcanism 2.8 billion years ago from Chang’e-6 basalts

On the morning of June 2, 2024, Chang'e 6 successfully landed in the pre-selected landing area of ​​the South Pole-Aitken Basin on the far side of the moon. The lander collected samples of rock and regolith, loaded them into an ascent vehicle, and launched them into orbit for collection. On June 25, the Chang'e 6 returner with collected 1935.3 grams of samples accurately landed in the designated area of ​​Siziwang Banner, Inner Mongolia, China. Chang’e-6 launched from the coastal Wenchang spaceport on a Long March 5 rocket on May 4, 2024. The four-part spacecraft — a service module, lander,..



现代战争的发展预示未来战争的趋势是智能化、无人化、网络化和多域化。战争已经不再局限于传统的陆地、海洋和天空领域,而是向网络、太空、电磁等新型领域扩展。这些趋势不仅将深刻改变战场的面貌和作战方式,也将对传统的战争理论和战术产生深远影响。 未来战争武器的发展趋势主要包括智能化、信息化和网络化。‌这些武器系统通过集成光电传感、高速处理和人工智能技术,能够适应战场环境和目标变化,迅速做出反应。未来武器不仅仅是单个产品,而是一个武器系统,强调多武器系统的协同作战能力。 在具体的武器类型方面,智能武器如智能导弹、智能炮弹、智能飞机和智能地雷将在未来战场上发挥重要作用。这些武器具备自动搜索、识别、跟踪和优化处理的能力,能够根据目标特征选择最佳战斗方式。 此外,高超音速巡航导弹以其超过5马赫的速度和难以拦截的特点,成为各国研究的重点。 ‌未来战争中,信息武器也将扮演重要角色。‌C4ISR系统(指挥、控制、通信、计算机、情报、监视、侦察)能够将所有信息数据库和数据汇集起来,实现信息共享,提高指挥的时效性和准确性。信息化武器装备还包括精确制导武器、信息战武器装备和新概念武器系统。 ‌太空武器的发展也是一个重要趋势。‌在太空部署武器提供了摧毁敌人的无限可能,包括电磁脉冲武器和定向能武器。高超音速巡航导弹以其高速和难以拦截的特点,成为各国研究的重点。此外,智能无人机和隐身战机等新型..

China's largest exhibition for aerospace technology and space innovation in Zhuhai

China's largest exhibition for aerospace technology and space innovation in Zhuhai

The 15th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, also known as Airshow China, is scheduled to open on November 12 in Zhuhai, south China's Guangdong Province. The six-day event will showcase some of the latest Chinese aircraft, including new fighter jet models such as the J-35A, J-15T and J-15D. The show attracts both civilian and military participants, with a special focus on the presentation of fighter jets, military helicopters, and drone technologies. Civilian aircraft and general aviation systems also play a major role. Additionally, China showcases its latest advance..

Showing 25 to 36 of 61 (6 Pages)


Blood Tonic Syrup

Blood Tonic Syrup

naturally relieving anemia and irregular menstruation. It helps women, blood loss recovery, the elde..

Hair Health (Wu Xu Sheng Fa Su) 72 Pills x 12

Hair Health (Wu Xu Sheng Fa Su) 72 Pills x 12

Used for premature grey hair, early white hair, thinning, dry hair, alopecia areata and hair loss af..

Vitality Plus Formula 20 cps x 6

Vitality Plus Formula 20 cps x 6

helps restore and enhance your masculine energy, promotes sexual vigor and performance naturally. Ch..

Everyday Chinese 900 with Audio Pen -Spanish Version

Everyday Chinese 900 with Audio Pen -Spanish Version

Authentic language for real-life communication! Everyday Chinese enables beginning foreign learners ..
