Special Offers
qi ju di huang wan (Lycii & Chrysanthemum Extract)
used for blurred vision, vertigo, high blood pressure, dry eyes, dizziness, photophobia, tearing whe..
qing qi hua tan wan (Respiryn Extract)
For cough due to phlegm-heat, marked by cough with difficult expectoration of thick yellowish sputum..
ren shen bai du wan (Ginseng & Mentha Extract)
Primarily used for strengthening the body resistance and releasing Early-Stage Exterior Disorders du..
ren shen jian pi wan (Ginseng & Yam Combo Extract)
for abdominal distention and pain, poor appetite, erratic or pasty stool, due to deficiency of..
Shexiang Zhuanggugao Pain Relieving Plasters
For the temporary relief of aches and pains of muscles and joints associated with simple backache, a..
shi quan da bu wan (Ten Flavor Tea Extract)
use for pale complexion, shortness of breath, palpitation, dizziness, spontaneous sweating, fatigue,..
Shou Wu Chih Fo-Ti-Extract Non Alcoholic Beverage
One of the most popular liquid tonic preparations for men or women, nourishes, warms and invigorates..
shu gan wan (Poria Peony Combo Extract) 200 Pills
Use for the stagnation of qi due to depression of the liver, fullness and distention in the chest an..
shun qi wan (Swellex Extract)
Used for abdominal pain and distension due to stagnation of qi in the liver, food congestion, retent..
si jun zi wan (The Four Noble Extract) 200 Pills
one common-used tonic formulas for spleen-qi deficiency, often prescribed for cases of deficiency of..
si wu tang wan (The Four Herbs Extract) 200 Pills
use for nourishing and regulating blood in syndrome of deficiency and stagnation of nutrient qi and ..
Suifan's Kwang Tze Solution Spray
for men's sexual performance, erection and holding on a longer period of time. Spreading a small amo..