Products meeting the search criteria
ba zhen wan (Restorex Tea Pill)
use for deficiency both of qi and blood, manifested by pale complexion, dizziness, dim eye-sight, la..
Breast Health
The first choice of common use for hyperplasia of mammary glands, supplement to the treatment of mam..
bu zhong yi qi wan (Central Teapills)
used for collapse of middle-jiao energy manifested as shortness of breath, disinclination for speech..
Chinese Festivals (English)
China has a long history of agriculture, so in the earliest stages its festivals were intimately tie..
Chinese Folk Customs
Most of the numerous Chinese folk customs have been carried on for several hundred or even one thous..
Cold Season Tea Gan Mao Ling Tablet
A well-known herbal supplement that relieves persistent cold and flu with symptoms of chills, high f..
Cordyceps Extract
the tonic herbal formula for the kidneys and lungs, cordyceps is used to stop lung bleeding, resolve..
dang gui bu xue wan (Tangkwei & Astraglus Extract)
use for internal injury due to overexertion, deficiency of qi and blood, fever and headache due to d..
Dragon Power
use for impotence and premature ejaculation, sexual dysfunction, and low libido. It's formulated wit..
Folk New Year Pictures
New Year Picture (Nianhua) derives its name from the age-old custom of Chinese New Year decorations...
Fu Ke Yang Rong Wan (Women's Care Formula)
used to to regulate menstruation in various kinds of women's disorders pertaining to deficiency of q..
Ganmao Ling (Cold and Flu Remedy)
used for symptoms of chills, high fever, swollen lymph glands, sore throat, stiffness of upper back ..