Beverage of Fufang Banlan Gen (Isatis Granule Teabag)

Beverage of Fufang Banlan Gen (Isatis Granule Teabag)

  • Brand: Product of China
  • Product Code: inn-banlang-15p
  • Reward Points: 60
  • Availability: 2-3 Days
  • $8.25

  • Price in reward points: 599


used to release the exterior and relieve the discomfort in the upper respiratory tract for seasonal influenza (flu), such symptoms as fever, headache, cough, swollen and sore throat.

Product label: Beverage of Fufang Banlan Gen
(Fufang Banlangen Keli)
Brand: Ge Xian Weng
Packing: 15 packets (15g each) / Bag
Product of China

Principal Ingredients: Isatis root (Radix Isatidis), Isatis leaf (Folium Isatidis).

Actions: Clears away heat and toxicant, removes heat from the blood, relieves sore throat.

Indications: Use for the syndrome of the exogenous pathogenic wind-heat, manifested as fever, headache, cough, swollen and sore throat. It is applicable to common cold influenza, tonsillitis, mumps, epidemic encephalitis B. It is also useful in prevention of infectious hepatitis and measles.*

Directions: To be taken orally after dissolve 1 packet in 8 oz of hot water each time, three or four times a day.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

汉语拼音:Ban Lan Gen




板蓝根冲剂是用中药板蓝根研细加工提炼而制成的粉状冲剂。板蓝根是植物菘蓝的根,菘蓝的叶称为大青叶,也是一味具有清热解毒凉血,止血功能的中药。 板蓝根具有良好的清热解毒、凉血、利咽功能,在临床上常用于治疗感冒引起的发热、恶寒、头痛、身倦、咽喉肿痛、丹毒、痄腮等症。板蓝根可单独使用也可与其 它药配伍使用。如与荆芥、薄荷、银花等配伍能治疗感冒发烧恶寒头痛等。与牛蒡子、射干、麦冬,锦灯笼等配伍能治疗口舌生疮、咽喉肿痛、扁桃体炎等症。与生 地、栀子、犀角、知母等配伍能治疗热邪入营血所致的斑疹、高热、神昏、谵语等症。

由于板蓝根具有良好的清热解毒、降火功能。在临床上常用板蓝根单味或与贯众、金银花、野菊花等合用,用于治疗某些传染病及热性病。近年来研究证实, 板蓝根内含有多种抗病毒物质,对感冒病毒、腮腺炎病毒、肝炎病毒及流脑病毒等有较强的抑制和杀灭作用。因此,医药部门将板蓝根制成冲剂,用来治疗和预防流 行性感冒、病毒性肝炎、流行性脑脊髓膜炎、结膜炎等病常能收到较好的效果。


Tags: Chinese patent medicine, Isatis tinctoria, headache, cold and flu, upper respiratory tract, tonsillitis, heat clearing and detoxicating, mumps

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