Gentanae Tea Pill (200)
- Brand: Lanzhou Traditional Herbs
- Product Code: 1x200pills
- Reward Points: 70
- Availability: 2-3 Days
- Price in reward points: 699
- 12 or more $7.47
useful to relieve headache, tinnitus, bitter taste, irritability, red eyes, pruritus, effective for both purging excessive fire from the liver and gallbladder, and draining damp and clearing heat from the urinary bladder and large intestine.
Product label: Gentanae Tea Pill
(Long Dan Xie Gan Wan)
Packing: 200 concentrated pills per bottle
Manufactured by Lanzhou Traditional Herbs, China.
Genitana scabra (root)
Bupleurum (root)
Asian water plantain (rhizome)
Rehmannia (cured root tuber)
Chinese skullcap (root)
Dong quai (root)
Plantain (seed)
Tangerine (dried rind of ripe fruit)
Gardenia (fruit)
Actions: Clearing away pathogenic fire in the liver and gallbladder, removing dampness and heat.
Indications: Fire of excess type or dampness-heat in the liver and gallbladder manifested as dizziness, red eye, tinnitus, hypochondriac pain, bitter taste, dark urine, difficulty and pain in micturition, leukorrhagia due to downward flow of damp-heat from liver channel, as well as acute conjunctivitis, acute otitis media, herpes zoster, acute infection in urinary tract, acute pelvic inflammation and swollen genital organs.*
Directions: Take 2 times a day, 8-10 pills each time as needed.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
功能与主治:清肝泻火,清利肝胆实热。用于肝胆实火上炎所致的头痛、目赤、口苦、胁痛、耳聋耳鸣之症,以及肝胆湿热下注所引起的外阴搔痒肿痛、小便 淋浊、妇女带下等症而津液未伤者。现代多用于急性结膜炎、急性中耳炎、高血压、急性黄疸型肝炎、急性胆囊炎、带状疱疹等属于肝胆湿热者。
注意事项: 本品味苦性寒,久服易伤脾胃,故凡脾胃虚弱者不宜久服。
龙胆泻肝丸是由龙胆草、黄芩、栀子、当归、柴胡、木通等多种中药材制备而成的中药复方制剂。该药长期以来被认可的原因就在于药物有“败火”功能,除 用于高血压、急性结膜炎、急性中耳炎、急性胆囊炎、急性盆腔炎、尿路感染、外生殖器感染等症的治疗外,现在常用于乙型病毒性肝炎及其它一些慢性病的治疗。
木通是一味常用中药,具有清热利湿功用,在龙胆泄肝丸中起着重要作用。历代所用木通为木通科木通,包括五叶木通、三叶木通及其变种白木通,并非马兜 铃科关木通。但是在20世纪30年代,东北出产的关木通首次进入关内,并逐渐占领了市场,到了80年代已被全国广泛应用,于是白木通退出市场,难以寻觅。 关木通化学成分中含有马兜铃酸。马兜铃酸虽具有抗感染和增加吞噬细胞活性作用,但其对肾脏有较强的毒性,可以损害肾小管功能,导致肾功能衰竭。而白木通却 不含有马兜铃酸。因此,几百年来,龙胆泄肝丸使用木通科木通,就很少出现不良反应,由于误用关木通,所以会出现以上问题。
Tags: constipation, obesity, pruritus, eczema, acne
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