Hair Health (Wu Xu Sheng Fa Su) 72 Pills x 12
Hair Health (Wu Xu Sheng Fa Su) 72 Pills x 12 

Hair Health (Wu Xu Sheng Fa Su) 72 Pills x 12

  • Brand: Yin Kong
  • Product Code: 12x72pills
  • Reward Points: 800
  • Availability: 2-3 Days
  • $79.99

  • Price in reward points: 7999


Used for premature grey hair, early white hair, thinning, dry hair, alopecia areata and hair loss after chemotherapy. Administer this herbal supplement will strengthen the kidneys and maintain healthy hair. "Nourishing the blood and preserving beauty for women, reinforcing the essence and promoting the vital energy for men."

Product label: Hair Health
(Wu Xu Sheng Fa Su)
Packing: 72 pills (250 mg) / bottle, 1 bundle of 12 bottles for sale
Manufactured by Wuzhou RFX Company Ltd, China.

Foti (dried root tuber)
Chinese skullcap (root)
Achyranthes (root)
Ligustrum (fruit)
Japanese dodder (seed)
Asian ginseng (root)
Reishi (fruiting body)
Pearl (concha margaritifera)

Actions: Nourishing the liver and kidney, promoting qi and blood circulation; regulating the spleen and stomach; improving and resuming the hair follicle function to promote hair regeneration.

Indications: General weakness, poor health, poor appetite, weakness due to illness, over-fatigue, poor memory, poor organ of body, prevents white hair and falling off of hair. Use for alopeica areata due to deficiency of both qi and blood, depilation after chemotherapy.*

Directions :2 times daily, 6 pills for each dose. To be taken day and night and after meal.

* The above statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration. This Product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

汉语拼音:wu xu sheng fa su
包装规格: 72 粒 / 瓶




本品主要以滋补肝肾,行气活血,凉血乌发,调理脾胃为主。改善和恢复毛囊功能,促进头发再生。 本方有两个突出特点,第一,补阴药与补阳药同用。阴阳并补,而以补阴为主;第二,大部分补益药中,少佐祛邪之品,既符合病因病理,又可使全方补而不滞。从而增强了填精补血,补肝滋肾,乌须黑发的功能,不失为治疗由肝肾不足,精血气衰所致须发早白,头发稀疏,干枯,斑秃脱发的有效良方。女士服用,补血养颜; 男士服用,固本培元。

Tags: alopecia areata, hair loss, white hair

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