Her Care

  • Brand: Product of China
  • Product Code: 1x150pills
  • Reward Points: 80
  • Availability: 2-3 Days
  • $7.99

  • Price in reward points: 799


For women's urinary disorders, urinary stone, reddish urine, turbid urine, urinary incontinence, frequent urination, chronic appendage's inflammation, pelvis, vagina, bladder, urinary tract infection and inflammation caused by dampness-heat stasis. This is a patent remedy used to clear away heat and toxin, activate blood and remove stasis, for women heat strangury pattern caused by kidney deficiency, dampness-heat stasis and obstruction in lower energizer, manifested as frequent urination, scanty and slow and painful discharge of dark-colored urine, reddish and turbid urine.

Product label: Her Care
(Wu Lin Qing)
Packing: 150 teapills / bottle
Product of China.

Chinese yam rhizome
Dong quai root
Chinese salvia root and rhizome
Euryale seed
Sparganium rhizome
Melia seed
Zedoary rhizome
Chinese peony root
Shrubby sophora root
Corydolis yanhusuo tuber
Cyperus rhizome

Action: Quickening the blood and transforming stasis, softening the hardness and dissipating bind, clearing heat and resolving toxin, diminishing inflammatory and relieving the pain.

Indications: Women's urinary disorders, urinary stone, reddish urine, turbid urine, urinary incontinence, frequent urination, chronic appendage's inflammation, pelvis, vagina, bladder, urinary tract, etc. infection and inflammation, and chronic appendicitis caused by dampness-heat stasis and obstruction.

Directions: As a dietary supplement, take 10-15 pills each time, 3 times a day.
Caution: Do not use during pregnancy.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

汉语拼音:Wu lin qing

主要成分:当归、丹参、芡实、赤芍、三棱、川楝子、苦参、莪术、山药 、延胡索、香附。


用法用量: 口服,一次10-15粒,一日3次,或遵医嘱。

五淋清是借鉴传统古代验方,除用清热解毒之药外,加用祛湿利尿之药,辅以养阴,既解毒消炎,又能利湿通淋、化浊排毒,扶正祛邪。中医观点认为:“淋症”、总 由“湿热邪火”下注于下焦、蕴结于膀胱、故而出现小便急迫、短、数、涩痛,或淋沥不畅;或癃闭不通;或脓液外溢、小腹拘急;或疳疮、横痃、杨梅瘀、梅痘 等。治疗则应“清热解毒、利尿通淋、散结止痛”。

Tags: leukorrhagia, discharge, cervicitis, irregular menstruation, urinary tract infection, Pelvic inflammatory disease

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