qi ju di huang wan (Lycii & Chrysanthemum Extract)
- Brand: Lanzhou Traditional Herbs
- Product Code: 1x200pills
- Reward Points: 70
- Availability: 2-3 Days
- Price in reward points: 699
- 12 or more $7.47
used for blurred vision, vertigo, high blood pressure, dry eyes, dizziness, photophobia, tearing when exposed to wind, ear ringing, restlessness, insomnia. Qi Ju Di Huang Wan (Pill of Wolfberry, Chrysanthemum and Prepared Rehmanniae) is a modification of foundation prescription, "Six Ingredient Rehmmania Pill," with Wolfberry and Chrysanthemum for replenishing the liver and kidney, specially helpful to blurred vision, pain of the eyes, irritated epiphora, due to deficiency of the liver and kidney. It is useful for the seniors and weakness with old hypertension and diabetes complications.
Product label: Lycii & Chrysanthemum Extract
(Qi Ju Di Huang Wan)
Packing: 200 extract pills per bottle, 160 mg per pill
Product of China
Ingredients: Wolfberry (Lycium barbarum) fruit, Chinese Yan (Dioscorea opposita) Rhizoma, Di Huang (Rehmannia Glutionosa) root, Cornelian Cherry (Cornus offocinalis siebold) fruit, Tuckahoe (Poria cocos wolf) root, Peony (Paeonis suffruticosa andr) bark, Water Plantain (Alisamatis plantago-aquaticae) tuber, Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemi morifloii) flower.
Actions: Nourishes the kidney yin, enriches the liver blood, benefits the eyes.
Indications: Use for vision problems due to deficiency of kidney and liver yin, which are marked by blurred vision, vertigo, high blood pressure, dry eyes, dizziness, photophobia, tearing when exposed to wind, ear ringing, restlessness, insomnia.
It is applicable to neurosis, retrobulbar neuritis, optic atrophy, central choroido-retinitis, chronic glaucoma.*
Directions: As dietary supplement, take 8 concentrated pills each time, better before meals, three times a day.
Caution: Avoid sour and cold food.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
汉语拼音:qi ju di huang wan
用法用量: 内服,一次8丸,一日3次,在饭前服用,即空腹服用,效果为佳。
中医认为,肝开窍于目,肝血上注于目则能视,即眼睛的功能与肝密切相关;在五行理论中,肝属木,肾属水,水能生木,肾与肝是一对母子关系,即肝为肾 之子,肾为肝之母,母脏病变会影响到子脏;又肝主藏血,肾主藏精,精、血互生,因此肝与肾密切相关;因此,治疗眼部疾病,往往从肝肾入手。
杞菊地黄丸由六味地黄丸加枸杞子、菊花而成。枸杞子:甘平质润,入肺、肝、肾经,补肾益精,养肝明目;菊花:辛、苦、甘,微寒,善清利头目,宣散肝 经之热,平肝明目。八种药物配伍组合共同发挥滋阴、养肝、明目的作用,对肝肾阴虚同时伴有明显的头晕视物昏花等头、眼部疾患,尤为有效。
Tags: dry eyes, dizziness, blurred vision, xenophthalmia, photophobia, epiphora, tinnitus, hypertension, diabetes, nourish yin
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