xue fu zhu yu tang (Walnut & Safflower Combo Decoction) 80 cps
- Brand: Product of China
- Product Code: 1x80cps
- Reward Points: 200
- Availability: 2-3 Days
- Price in reward points: 1999
for chronic headache, sharp and fixed chest and hypochondria pain, constant hiccups, a sensation of choking when drinking, dry heaves, irritability, depression, restlessness, restless sleep, insomnia, palpitations, dysmenorrhea, evening tidal fever, and possible purple lips or complexion (cyanosis), pertaing to Qi stagnation and blood stasis. The classical formula "Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang" (Drive Out Stasis in the Mansion of Blood Decoction) is primarily used to invigorate the blood and dispel blood stagnation, spreads Liver Qi, unblock the channels, and relieve pain, for syndrome of Qi stagnation and blood stasis.
Product label: Walnut & Safflower Combo Decoction
Used name: Circulation Plus Decoction
Packing: 80 capsules per bottle
Product of China.
English walnut (nut)
Safflower (flower)
Dong quai (root)
Achyranthes (root)
Fresh rehmannia (root tuber)
Red peony (root)
Bitter orange (young fruit)
Ligusticum wallichii (rhizome)
Platycodon (root)
Bupleurum (root)
Chinese licorice (root)
Actions: Promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, and promoting flow of qi to relieve pain.
Indications: It is indicated for blood stasis in the chest, marked by protracted chest pain and headache at fixed location as if pricked with needles, or protracted hiccup, or dysphoria due to interior heat, or palpitation, insomnia, irritability, hectic fever at dusk, dark-purple lips or blackish eyelids, deep-red tongue with ecchymosis, uneven or taut and tense pulse. It is applicable to chest pain as seen in angina pectoris of coronary heat disease, rheumatic heart disease, chest contusion and costal chondritis. It may also be used in headache, vertigo and mental depression as the result of sequelae of commotio cerebri , which are ascribed to blood stasis and qi stagnation and affect the upper body.
Typical uses include post-concussion or head trauma syndrome, facial pain (including localized migraine headaches and trigeminal neuralgia), post herpetic neuralgia, chest pain, hypochondriac pain and other chronic localized pain syndromes.
For gynaecological disorders of a qi and blood stagnation type, it is applicable to dysmenorrhoea, endometriosis, painful fibroids, ovarian cysts, recurrent abnormal uterine bleeding and infertility.
Applicable to acute and chronic, physical or severe, or unresolved emotional trauma, bruising, slow healing wounds or broken bones.
As its vasodilator, antispasmodic anti-platelet, it works on circulatory disorders such as peripheral vascular insufficiency, varicose veins, cerebrovascular insufficiency. Applicable to Raynauf's syndrome, Buerger's disease, vasculitis and chronic phlebitis, chronic depression, extreme mood swings, bipolar mood disorder, schizophrenia and chronic insomnia.
May help to alleviate chronic connective tissue diseases.*
Directions: As a dietary supplement take 4 capsules each time, 2 times a day.
Cautions: Do not use if pregnant. Contraindicated in women with menorrhagia, and with bleeding disorders. Caution in patients on anticoagulant therapy (aspirin, warfarin, coumarin). Watch for bruising or increased tendency to bleeding.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or disorder.
汉语拼音:xue fu zhu yu tang
功 能与主治:活血祛瘀,行气止痛。主治上焦瘀血,头痛胸痛,胸闷呃逆,失眠不寐,心悸怔忡,瘀血发热,舌质暗红,边有瘀斑或瘀点,唇暗或两目暗黑,脉涩或弦 紧。妇人血瘀经闭不行,痛经,肌肤甲错,日晡潮热;以及脱疽、白疙,眼科云雾移睛、青盲等目疾。现用于高血压、精神分裂症、脑震荡后遗症、慢性粒细胞性白 血病、血栓性静脉炎、色素沉着、性功能低下、更年期综合征、顽固性头痛、顽固性低热、眼底出血等属瘀血内阻,日久不愈者。
Tags: Coronary Heart Disease, Angina Pectoris, Rheumatic Heart Disease, Cartilage Costalgia, Post Trauma, External Chest Injury
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