dang gui bu xue wan (Tangkwei & Astraglus Extract)
dang gui bu xue wan (Tangkwei & Astraglus Extract) 

dang gui bu xue wan (Tangkwei & Astraglus Extract)

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use for internal injury due to overexertion, deficiency of qi and blood, fever and headache due to deficiency of blood before menstruation and after delivery, fever and red face due to non-healing ulcer of the skin. It's formulated with Chinese Angelica and Astragalus, primarily useful for invigorating qi and promoting blood generation.

Product label: Tangkwei & Astraglus Extract
(Dang Gui Bu Xue Wan)
Packing: 200 concentrated pills / bottle
Manufactured by Lanzhou Traditional Herbs, China.

Dong quai (root)
Astragalus (root)

Actions: Replenishes Qi and nourishes Blood.

Main indications: Use for (1) fever caused by deficiency of blood accompanied by feverish sensation of the body, flushed face, thirst with a desire of drinking, big but deficient pulse, forceless if pulse is sensed by heavy pressure; (2) fever and headache due to deficiency of blood during menstruation or after delivery, and (3) prolonged carbuncle and furuncle.

It is applicable to the recuperative treatment of postpartum hemorrhage due to blood asthenia; Anemia; Leukopenia; Menorrhagia; Metrorrhagia; Neurasthenia; Henoch-Schonlein purpura; Thrombocytopenic purpura; Purulent abscess.*

Directions: Take 8 pills each time, 3 times a day.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

汉语拼音:dang gui bu xue wan




当 归补血丸是根据传统名方“当归补血汤”制造的现代中药浓缩丸。“当归补血汤”处方来源于《内外伤辨惑论》,血虚阳浮发热证。肌热面赤,烦渴欲饮, 脉洪大而虚,重按无力。亦治妇人经期、产后血虚发热头痛;或疮疡溃后,久不愈合者。(本方可用于妇人经期、产后发热等属血虚阳浮者,以及各种贫血、过敏性紫癜等属血虚气弱者。)

本方证为劳倦内伤,血虚气弱,阳气浮越所致。血虚气弱,阴不维阳,故肌热面赤、烦渴引饮,此种烦渴,常时烦时 止,渴喜热饮;脉洪大而虚、重按无力, 是血虚气弱,阳气浮越之象,是血虚发热的辨证关键。治宜补气生血,使气旺血生,虚热自止。方中重用黄芪补气而专固肌表,配以少量当归养血和营,气旺血生, 而虚热自退。至于妇人经期、产后血虚发热头痛,取其益气养血而退热。疮疡溃后,久不愈合,用本方补气养血,扶正托毒,有利于生肌收口。

Tags: tonic formula, pills, blood formula

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