mai wei di huang wan (Anagex Extract)
- Brand: Lanzhou Traditional Herbs
- Product Code: 1x200pills
- Reward Points: 80
- Availability: 2-3 Days
- Price in reward points: 699
- 12 or more $7.48
for daily recurring fever, night sweating, dryness of the throat, cough with thin sputum, hemoptysis, dizziness, tinnitus, wasting thirst. The traditional recipe "Mai Wei Di Huang Wan" (Pill of Ophiopogon, Schisandra, Rehmannia ) in TCM is primarily used for astringing the lung and kidney in cases of yin-deficiency of lung-kidney, asthma with reversed flow of qi, tidal fever and night sweat, or extremities flaccidity of aged men and women due to yin-deficiency, for which it is given a nickname Eight Immortal Pills for Longevity.
Product label: Anagex Extract
(Mai Wei Di Huang Wan)
Packing: 200 concentrated pills / bottle
Manufactured by Lanzhou Traditional Herbs, China.
Prepared rhizome of rehmannia
Dogwood fruit
Chinese yam
Oriental water plantain
Peony bark
Poria sclerotium
Schizandra fruit
Actions: Nourishes yin of the kidney and the lung, generate body fluid.
Main indications: Use for deficiency of yin of the lung and the kidney marked by daily recurring fever, night sweating, dryness of the throat, cough with thin sputum, hemoptysis, dizziness, tinnitus, aching and limpness of the loins and knees, nocturnal emissions with symptoms of low back pain and feverish sensation on the palms, diabetes with symptoms of dry mouth and throat, red tongue with dry and little coating, deficient and rapid pulse. It is applicable to chronic bronchitis, coughs due to tuberculosis, asthma and smoking; HIV infections, diabetes, which pertain to deficiency of yin of the lung and kidney.*
Directions: Take 8 pills each time, 3 times a day.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
汉语拼音:mai wei di huang wan
麦 味地黄丸,以六味地黄丸为基础,滋补肾阴,使亏虚的肾阴得以恢复;再配以麦冬清养肺阴,解热除烦,滋养强壮;润滑消炎;配以五味子 滋肾、敛收肺气。八种药物配伍组合,共凑滋肾养肺之功,主要用于治疗肺肾阴虚所致的潮热盗汗、咽干咳血、眩晕耳鸣等症,对于因咳久伤阴,或消耗性疾病(如 肺结核)所致的咽干、口渴,咳喘,痰中带血等病症疗效更佳。(适用于肺肾阴虚之诸证。)
麦味地黄丸又叫八仙长寿丸,首见于明代医家龚廷贤所撰《寿世保元》,现今成了运用较广的中成药。对慢性支气管炎、支气管扩张、糖尿病、高血压、肺痨、遗精等有疗效。现代用于头晕、眼花、头痛 、失眠等一般脑神经疾患。
Tags: Chinese patent medicine, yin tonic, dry cough, lung atrophy, hiccup, consumptive lung disease, pulmonary tuberculosis, thirsty, senior life
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