ren shen jian pi wan (Ginseng & Yam Combo Extract)
ren shen jian pi wan (Ginseng & Yam Combo Extract) 

ren shen jian pi wan (Ginseng & Yam Combo Extract)

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for abdominal distention and pain, poor appetite, erratic or pasty stool, due to  deficiency of the spleen and stagnation of qi. The traditional formula "Jian Pi Wan" (Strengthen the Spleen Pill) in TCM is primarily used for treatment of indigestion due to weakness of the spleen by supplementing qi and activating the spleen. It helps relieve dyspepsia and eliminate dampness to arrest diarrhea.

Product label: Ginseng and Yam Combo Extract
"Ren Shen Jian Pi Wan"
Packing: 200 concentrated pills (160mg each) / bottle
Manufactured by Lanzhou Traditional Herbs, China.

Job's tears (seed)
Chinese yam (rhizome)
Tangerine (dried rind of mature fruit)
Hyacinth Bean(dolichos lablab.l)
Sacred lotus (seed)
Chinese hawthorn (fruit)
Euryale (seed)
Barley (dried germinated ripe fruit)
Bai-zhu atractylodes (rhizome)
Tangerine (dried rind of green fruit)
Dong quai (root)
Tangerine (dried rind)
Round cardamon (fruit)
Chinese licorice(root)
Asian ginseng(root)

Actions: Reinforcing the spleen and stomach, regulating qi, promoting digestion and eliminating dampness to arrest diarrhea.

Indication: Use for deficiency of the spleen and stagnation of qi, manifested as abdominal distention and pain, poor appetite, erratic or pasty stool. It is applicable to chronic gastritis, chronic enteritis, dyspepsia, edema, etc., which pertain to indigestion due to weakness of the spleen and stomach. Also useful for inability to gain or maintain weight.*

Directions: Take 8 pills each time, 3 times a day as a herbal supplement.
Warning: Do not use if you are pregnant.

* The above statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration. This Product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

汉语拼音:ren shen jian pi wan




人参健脾丸来源于明《证治准绳》健脾丸加减,是治疗脾胃虚弱所致的身体瘦弱厌食、腹胀纳差、泄泻、腹部胀饱、完谷不化消化不良等 症的要药。运用本品的基本指征是,身体虚弱,精神倦怠,面色萎黄,不思饮食,脘腹胀满,或嘈杂泛酸,肠鸣泄泻,大便溏薄,舌淡胖苔白,脉虚弱。临床运用 如:

Tags: diarrhea, indigestion, gastroenteritis, Gastritis, edema, anemia, Chinese patent medicine

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