Schisandra Chinensis
- Brand: Product of China
- Product Code: 1x454g
- Reward Points: 270
- Availability: 2-3 Days
- Price in reward points: 2700
used for dry cough, asthma, night sweating, seminal emission and chronic diarrhea; also used as tonic for neurasthenia. Schisandra has the functions of nourishing yin and solid essence, nourishing liver and protecting liver, consolidating superficies for arresting sweating, promoting body fluid and quenching thirst, invigorating the kidney and calming the heart. A proper amount of schisandra can enhance liver detoxification, protect the heart, lower blood pressure, lower blood fat, and improve It can also be used to treat cough, kidney deficiency, lung deficiency and other diseases.
This Chinese herb is the ripe fruit of Schisandra chinensis Baill. The ripe fruits are collected in autumn and dried in the sun after the twigs are removed. It's suppled for clinical application raw or prepared (steamed with vinegar and honey and dried in the sun)
Chinese medicinal attributes: sour in taste and warm in nature, with a meridian affectation for the lungs, kidneys, and heart.
Product label: Schisandra Chinensis
Chinese: 五味子 (wu wei zi)
Packing: 16 oz (454 gm) / bag
Product of China
Actions and indications: Schisandra fruit can astringe lung qi, nourish the kidneys, produce saliva, arrest sweating and discharge of semen, control diarrhea and tranquilize the mind, to treat chronic coughing due to deficiency of the lungs and asthma due to deficiency of the lungs and kidneys.
Usage and dosage: 3 - 10 g of Schisandra fruit is used to prepare a decoction, pills or powder for oral adminstration.
Warning: It can't be used to treat diseases with pathogens accumulated on the body serface (exterior) and excessive heat pathogens retained in the body, acute coughing or measles at the early stage because it has a sour and puckery taste and an astringent effect.
【中药名】 乌梅 wumei
【别名】 梅实、熏梅、桔梅肉。
【英文名】 Dark Plum Fruit,Smoked Plum、Dark Plum,Ume.
【性味归经】 性平,味酸、涩。归肝经、脾经、肺经、大肠经。
【功效与作用】 敛肺、涩肠、生津、安蛔。属收涩药分类下的敛肺涩肠药。
【临床应用】 用量6~12克。外用适量,捣烂或炒炭研末外敷。用治肺虚久咳、久泻、久痢、蛔厥腹痛、呕吐、虚热消渴、崩漏下血、疮毒等。
【使用禁忌】 表邪未解者禁服,内有实邪者慎用。不宜多食。
① 治咯血: 乌梅不以多少,煎汤,调百草霜。一服愈。(《朱氏集验方》)
② 治咽喉肿痛: 乌梅30克,双花60克,雄黄12克。为末,蜜丸,每丸3克,每次含化1丸,徐徐咽下,每日3次。(《全国中草药新医疗法展览会资料选编》)
③ 治诸疮水毒肿痛: 乌梅、皂荚子等分。上各烧存性研匀,贴疮上,毒汁即出。(《普济方》)
④ 治鸡眼: 乌梅肉、荔枝肉各等分,捣膏敷贴。(《疡医大全》)
【中药名】五味子 wuweizi
【英文名】Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus。
Tags: dry cough, asthma, night sweating, seminal emission, chronic diarrhea, neurasthenia
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