xiang sha yang wei wan (Hsiang Stomach Pill)
xiang sha yang wei wan (Hsiang Stomach Pill) 

xiang sha yang wei wan (Hsiang Stomach Pill)

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for abdominal fullness, no appetite, vomiting of sour saliva, adverse flow of qi and discomfort. The ancient recipe "Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan" (Pill of Cypri and Amomi for Nourishing Stomach) is primarily used for reinforcing the spleen and promoting digestion, regulating the stomach and relieving vomiting, for weakness of the spleen and stomach.

Product label: Hsiang Stomach Pill
(Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan)
Packing: 200 concentrated pills / bottle
Manufactured by Lanzhou Traditional Herbs, China.

Pinellia (rhizome)
Poria (sclerotium)
Bai-zhu atractylodes (rhizome)
Tangerine (dried rind of mature fruit)
Chinese giant hyssop (entire plant)
Round cardamom (seed)
Chinese licorice(root).

Acitons: Tonifies spleen qi, and removes damp and phlegm.

Main indications: Used for dyspepsia due to phlegm-damp, with poor appetite, loose stools or diarrhea, indigestion, vomiting, belching and acid regurgitation, and nausea. Also useful for dizziness or mental disorders due to stomach phlegm accumulation.*

Directions: Take 8 pills each time, 3 times a day.

* The above statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration. This Product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

汉语拼音:xiang sha yang wei wan





香砂养胃丸是由香附、砂仁、木香、白术、陈皮、茯苓、半夏等中药组成,具有和胃止呕舒气宽胸的功效,常用于治疗肝胃不和、胃气不舒引起的消化不良、 胃脘胀痛、呕吐吞酸等症。香砂养胃丸方剂中的香附、陈皮、木香是理气良药,具有理气、解郁、健脾、止痛等功效,常用于胃肠气滞、脘腹胀痛、胃气不舒、脾虚 腹泻等症;砂仁和半夏能行气开胃、温脾止泻、降逆上呕,常用于胃脘胀满、脾胃虚寒引起的恶心呕吐、泄泻等症;白术和茯苓是健脾良药,常用于脾虚胃弱、脾胃 不和等症。

中医认为,脾主运化,是消化运营的主要器官,脾虚则胃弱,临床上常见的胃肠不适,嗳气吐酸、两胁胀满、恶心呕吐等胃部症状都 与脾虚胃弱、脾胃不和等 有关。而香砂养胃丸方剂中的诸多药味,都具有健脾、利湿、舒肝和胃、行气、宽胸、温胃止痛、止呕等功效。因此,香砂养胃丸的确是一种具有养胃、健胃作用的 良药。

Tags: diarrhea, indigestion, gastroenteritis, Gastritis, gas stagnation, abdominal distention

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