Healthy Brain Pills

  • Brand: Singlin
  • Product Code: 1x300pills
  • Reward Points: 90
  • Availability: 2-3 Days
  • $8.99

  • Price in reward points: 899


for overtax of brain, neurasthenia, light-headedness, terror and insomnia, intolerance of cold and hyposthenia, physical strain and lumbago, presenile dementia, etc. This patent remedy "Jian Nao Wan" (Strengthening the Brain Pill; Healthy Brain Pill) is used for sleeplessness, agitation, mental exhaustion, dizziness, poor memory, fatigue, insomnia with nightmares, palpitations and restlessness. It is also known to be very effective for vertigo and tinnitus (ringing of the ears).

Product label: Healthy Brain Pills
(Jian Nao Wan)
Packing: 300 pills per bottle
Manufactured by Qingdao Herb Works Co., China.

Jujube (seeds)
Angelica sinensis (root)
Chinese yam (rhizome)
Lycium (fruit) Schisandra (fruit)
Sharp-leaf galangal (fruit)
Bamboo (dried secretion)
Grass-leaf sweetflag (rhizome)
Chinese salvia (root & rhizome)
Asian ginseng (root)
Oriental arborvitae (seed).

Actions: Nourishing the heart, calming the spirit, improving mental functions.

Indications: Used for poor memory caused by overtax of brain, neurasthenia, light-headedness, terror and insomnia, intolerance of cold and hyposthenia, physical strain and lumbago, presenile dementia, etc. It is applicable to Dizziness; Insomnia; Memory loss; Nightmare; Palpitations; Tinnitus; Mental fatigue; General discomfort; Ménière's disease; Restlessness; ...*

Directions: As a dietary supplement, take 5 pills each time, 3 times a day with warm water.
Warnings: Do not use if you are pregnant. Do not take more than recommended serving.

Notes: In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) terms, this formula nourishes liver blood and tonifies the heart, invigorating intellectual power, calms the Shen (mind/spirit) and sedates liver hyperactivity. It can help maintain and increase the health and capacity of the brain. If you are feeling stressed, uneasy, nervous and/or irritable which most basically describe, this is an excellent formula. When you need the most of your mental abilities such as when making difficult decisions, or solving tough problems, this is an excellent aid. It is widely used a preventive against memory loss problems associated with age (this herbal formula is actively being tested for the prevention and reversal of Alzheimer's disease). For those working on mental improvement, learning, meditation, this formula may help regain some of the ground lost to years of mental fatigue.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

汉语拼音:jian nao wan

主要成分:当归、天竺黄、肉苁蓉(盐炙)、龙齿(煅)、山药、琉璃、五味子(酒蒸)、天麻、柏子仁(炒)、丹参、益智仁(盐炒)、人参 远志(甘草水炙)、菊花、九节菖蒲、赭石、胆南星、酸枣仁(炒)、枸杞子。



Tags: insomnia, premature aging, palpitation, nightmare, hypomania, dementia, amnesia, Alzheimer disease

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