si wu tang wan (The Four Herbs Extract) 200 Pills
- Brand: Lanzhou Traditional Herbs
- Product Code: 1x200pills
- Reward Points: 70
- Availability: 2-3 Days
- Price in reward points: 699
- 12 or more $7.47
use for nourishing and regulating blood in syndrome of deficiency and stagnation of nutrient qi and blood. Decoction of Four Ingredients is one of commonly used basic prescriptions in TCM.
Product label: The Four Herbs Extract
(Si Wu Tang Wan)
Packing: 200 concentrated pills / bottle
Manufactured by Lanzhou Traditional Herbs, China
Rehmannia (cured root tuber)
Dong quai (root)
Chinese peony (root)
Ligusticum wallichii (rhizome)
Actions: Tonifies and invigorates the blood, regulates the Liver, harmonizes the menses, and alleviates pain.
Main indications: Use for deficient stagnation of blood manifesting palpitation, insomnia, dizziness, blurred vision, pale complexion, irregular menstruation with scanty menstrual blood or amenorrhea, abdominal pain, a pale tongue, and thready wiry or thready unsmooth pulse. It is applicable to Dysmenorrhea; Irregular Menstruation; Pre-Menstrual Syndrome; Anemia; Threatened Miscarriage; Post Partum Weakness; Insufficient Lactation; Urticaria; Neurogenic Headache.*
Directions: Take 8 pills 3 times a day.
Caution: Do not use during pregnancy.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
汉语拼音:si wu tang wan
四物汤丸是根据传统名方“四物汤”制造的现代中药浓缩丸。“四物汤”处方来源于《太平惠民和剂局方》。本方由当归、川芎、白芍药、熟地黄四味药物组 成,是从《金匮要略》胶艾汤化裁而来,用于营血虚滞之惊惕头晕,目眩耳鸣,唇爪无华,妇人月经量少或经闭不行,脐腹作痛,舌质淡,脉弦细或细涩等证。有补血和血调经之功,为补血调经的基础方剂,被誉为「一切血病的总方」、「肝经调血之专剂」。
四物汤衍生出的无数“子方”、“孙方”。较著名的有桃红四物汤,该方剂是由四物汤加桃仁、红花而成,专治血虚血淤导致的月经过多,还能对付先兆流 产、习惯性流产;四物汤加艾叶、阿胶、甘草后取名为阿艾四物汤,用来治疗月经过多,是安胎养血止漏的要方;四物汤加四君子汤后,名“八珍汤”,能气血双 补;在八珍汤的基础上再加上黄芪、肉桂,则成为老百姓非常熟悉的十全大补汤。
Tags: tonic formula, pills, blood formula
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